Macronutrients Useful Guide: Calories Calculator | Ratio | Sources
Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are classified as macronutrients, fundamental components crucial to sustaining our bodies. Not only do they provide essential energy, but they also play distinct and vital roles within our biological systems.
Intriguingly, these macronutrients possess multifaceted roles that contribute significantly to our overall well-being. They are the sources of energy, quantified in calories or kilocalories (Kcal). This energy acts as the body's primary fuel, propelling its various functions seamlessly. Typically, an adult requires an intake of approximately 2000 Kcal daily. Each gram of these macronutrients offers a fixed quantity of energy:
- Proteins furnish 4 Kcal per gram
- Carbohydrates deliver 4 Kcal per gram
- Fats supply 9 Kcal per gram
Continuing onward, delve into the comprehensive realm of macronutrients to unravel their diverse functions within the body, explore optimal food sources for their acquisition, and uncover a wealth of additional insights.
Macros to Calories calculator
This tool helps you calculate the caloric value of a meal based on the amount of macronutrients it contains.
To use Macro to Calories converter, enter the values of the corresponding macros then click on calculate to convert them to calories.
How to Convert Macros to Calories Manually
The formula to convert Macros to calories is quite simple. To do so, you need to multiply the mass of each Macronutrient by the value of its caloric intake.How many calories in Carbohydrates?
In each gram of Carbohydrates, there are 4 calories (Kcal).
How many calories in Protein?
In each gram of Protein, there are 4 calories (Kcal).
How many calories in Fats?
In each gram of Fats, there are 9 calories (Kcal).
For a meal containing 22 g of carbs, 15 g of proteins, and 10 g of fats, your total calorie intake would be 4x22 +4x15 +9x10 = 238 Kcal.
What are Macronutrients
Macronutrients are essential compounds abundant in the foods we consume, serving as the primary sources of energy required for our body's optimal functioning. The energy harnessed from macronutrients is quantified using units like Kcal or kilojoules.
Types of Macronutrients
These macronutrients manifest in three distinct forms: Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. Beyond their roles as energy providers, they assume additional responsibilities in maintaining the delicate equilibrium within our body systems.
Water and Micronutrients
While water constitutes a crucial nutrient indispensable to human health and is consumed in substantial quantities, it doesn't fall under the macronutrient category due to its lack of calories, rendering it devoid of energy content. Micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are distinct from macronutrients, supporting bodily metabolism without contributing energy to the same extent.
Other Considerations
Notably, substances like alcohol, which possess energy-yielding potential, aren't officially regarded as macronutrients according to expert consensus.
Measurement of Macroenergetic Value
The quantification of macroenergetic value employs the Kcal unit. In the realm of physics, a single Kcal (kilocalorie) symbolizes the energy required to elevate the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.
Macronutrient - Carbohydrates
What are Carbohydrates
Step into the nutritional spotlight where the term "carbs" takes center stage, inviting you to explore the body's beloved energy sources. These carb concoctions, composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms elegantly entwined, reign supreme in fueling our vitality. And within the realm of carbohydrates, a trio of types awaits your discovery:
- Simple carbs
- Complex carbs
- Fibers
As you indulge in any of these carbohydrate wonders, a fascinating journey unfolds. Your body masterfully disassembles them, orchestrating a captivating transformation into the renowned glucose – often dubbed as the simplest incarnation of carbohydrates, but more commonly recognized as sugar.
From here, this newly minted energy champion embarks on a vital quest. Swiftly coursing through the bloodstream, it journeys to each organ, igniting their vigor and propelling their functions.
Carbs can be stored in your muscles and lean tissues in the form of glycogen. On average, the human body can store up to 400g - 500 g of carbs. The excess of carbs is converted into fat.
Carbohydrates Classification
Simple carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates can easily get processed into sugar (glucose). They are the favored source of energy of the human body because of their metabolic disposals to break down easily into glucose.
The body needs only a few minutes after ingesting simple carbs to start using them as fuel. However, healthcare professionals say that you should avoid this type of carb.
Simple carbs consumption is related to different health problems, such as obesity and diabetes.
Complex carbohydrates
On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, also called polysaccharides, need time before the body can break them down to glucose. Nutritionists encourage to privilege the consumption of complex carbs over simple carbs.
Even though Fibers are a carbohydrate, they have a unique property because our organism simply can't break them down to sugar (glucose). A daily intake of 14g of fiber may reduce risks related to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes type 2.
Does fibers count as calories?
Despite fibers being a type of carbohydrates, they aren't digested. Consequently, they won't release all the energy held in a simple or complex carbohydrate (4Kcal/g).
However, they may partially release energy due to bacterial degradation in the intestines.
According to the FDA a review published in 2018, the caloric value of polydextrose, which is a soluble type of dietary fiber range between 0.77 to 1.46 Kcal per gram.
Carbohydrates Best Sources
All nutritionists agree to say that the best sources of carbohydrates are complex carbs rather than simple carbs as a source of carbohydrates. Complex carbs are found mainly in whole grains like quinoa, beans, vegetables, and fruits.
You should also avoid carbs from processed foods that are simple carbs rich, Which are known to increase risks related to diabetes and a higher BMI (obesity).
Other Resources: - Energy in Foods PDF | - Carbohydrates | - Fibers |
Macronutrient - Proteins
What are Proteins
There are Proteins almost in all your body parts muscles, bones, nails, hair, internal organs, etc. They are a series of amino acids bound one to the other that compose blocks, necessary to the presence of every a life form. Even the most simplistic life forms, such as viruses, are constituted from proteins.
When the body is digesting proteins, the blocks of amino acids split, each amino acids have specific tasks in the body. There are 21 amino acids in the human body, 9 of them are called essential amino acids, the remaining 12 are called non-essential amino acids.
Proteins Functions
The principal function of proteins in our body is to regenerate and create new cells - and build up new body tissues, especially muscular tissues.
The recommended daily intake of proteins is 0.8 grams per 1 kg of your total weight, according to the U.S national institute of medicine.
Unlike Carbohydrates, The body can't store proteins.
What are Amino Acids
Amino acids are chemical compounds composed of atoms of Carbone (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N). Each amino acid has a distinct structure.
The human body can synthesize and create Non-essential amino acids on its own.
On the other hand, your body can't synthesize essential amino acids. For this reason, your diet needs to provide them to your body.
Essential | Non-essential |
Histidine (H) | Alanine (A) |
Isoleucine (I) | Arginine (R) |
Leucine (L) | Asparagine (N) |
Lysine (K) | Aspartic acid (D) |
Methionine (M) | Cysteine (C) |
Phenylalanine (F) | Glutamic acid (E) |
Threonine (T) | Glutamine (Q) |
Tryptophan (W) | Glycine (G) |
Valine (V) | Proline (P) |
Serine (S) | |
Tyrosine (Y) |
BCAA Amino Acids and muscle growth
BCAA stands for Branched Chain Amino Acids. They are the 3 Amino acids involved in muscle building, Which are Valine, Isoleucine, and Leucine.
BCAA - Valine
This amino acid helps with muscle coordination and muscle metabolism. But also, Valine is crucial for mental vigor and emotional balance. Good Valine sources are meats, fish, cheese, soy, and some vegetables.
Resource: ValineBCAA - Leucine
Leucine is a branched amino acid. It has various vital functions in the human body.
It helps with blood sugar regulation.
It boosts bones and muscle regeneration and development.
It helps Preventing muscle Protein degradation after severe trauma.
Leucine is common in most natural sources of protein.
BCAA -Isoleucine
Isoleucine is the third branched-chain amino acid. It is one of the main components of muscle tissues. Alongside with leucine, it helps in wounds healing wound process and play an essential physiological role. Researches shows that a lack of Isoleucine may trigger muscle tremors.
Resource: IsoleucineAre proteins energy giving foods?
Yes, proteins can give you energy. However, providing power to the body is not something proteins do effectively. Your organism needs time after ingesting animals or plant-based proteins to convert it into energy.
How Proteins give you energy
During digestion, the amino acids forming the proteins lose the nitrogen atoms attached to them. They then transform into a simple carbohydrate Glucose Which is the principal source of energy to our bodies. Each gram of protein has an energy value of 4 Kilocalories (Kcal).
Protein classification
In biology, we can classify proteins in various ways depending on their -structures, functions, and compositions. in nutrition, we classify them into 2 categories complete or incomplete proteins.
Complete proteins are protein sources that contain all 9 essential amino acids, while incomplete proteins are to protein sources that don't contain at least one of them.
Proteins Best sources
The most crucial element in a protein source is that it needs to provide you all the 9 essential amino acids pack because your body can synthesize them. Therefore, you should try to favor complete protein sources.
Examples of complete proteins are :
Animal-based | Plant-Based |
Beef | Quinoa |
Pork | Chia seeds |
Chicken | Soy |
Turkey | Hemp Seed |
Fish | |
Milk | |
Egg |
Macronutrient: Fats
What Are Fats?
Fats are macronutrients that belong to the lipids families. Usually, people consider that fats tend to be unhealthy. However, some types of fats are indispensable to your body.
The primary chemical elements composing fats are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. These elements form complex chains blocks called fatty acids. 90% of fats found in foods are triglycerides, which are made of 3 fatty acids blocks connected through a glycerol molecule.
What are the principals functions of fats in our bodies?
- Appropriate fats intake has the following benefits:
- Helps to stock several vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, and E
- Store energy
- Favor proteins functions
- Balance the metabolism of the body, which include immune functions.
- It helps increase healthy cholesterol level and protect you from heart diseases.
- Regulates Blood pressure
- Helps regulate body temperature
- Helps brain development
Resources: National library of medicine: dietary fats. | Eufic: characteristic of Fat Facts | Harvard medical school: Truth about fats
Fats classification
Dietary fats are classified into 4 categories Trans Fats, Saturated Fat, Monounsaturated fats and Polyunsaturated fats
Trans Fat
Trans Fats are the unhealthiest type of fats. it's obtained by utilizing a process called hydrogenation that turns liquid fats into solid oils. Trans Fats are prohibited in the US and some countries, meaning food manufacturers can't use it anymore in those countries.
The ban decision is due to the harmful effect that this type of fats has on people health.
Saturated Fat
Saturated fats are the most widespread type of fats used in the food industry. Some usual sources of this type of fat are red meats, whole milk, products, and cheese.
many Persons think that Consuming too many saturated fats may lead to a rise in bad cholesterol levels, which is a major cause of heart diseases.
Even some nutritionists recommend keeping the total intake of saturated fats during the day under 10% of the total daily calories.
However, a recent study about the relation connecting heart diseases and saturated fats intake shows that there is no correlation between those two.
The study was conducted on 340 000 people over 23 years.
Monounsaturated fats
Monounsaturated fats are a type of fat which we find mostly in vegetables. Most nutritionists consider this type of fat to be healthy because it lowers the bad cholesterol level in the body LDL.
Resources: National library of medicine: Monounsaturated fatsPolyunsaturated fats
We use Polyunsaturated fat mostly for cooking. An example of Polyunsaturated fats is sunflower oil.
This type of fat is an essential fat because your body can't make them, but still, it's indispensable to a normal organism function.
There is 2 type of Polyunsaturated fats omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
Good sources of omega 3 are fatty fishes like tuna and sardines. As for the Omega 6 fatty acids, we can find them in vegetable oil like sunflower oil, corn oils, and walnut.
Are Fats energy giving foods?
Fats are Macronutrients with a high energy value. A gram of fats contains 9 Kcal. It's more than twice the energy there is in carbohydrates. There are around 4000 Kcal in 1 pound of Dietary fats. For this reason, Our body uses fat as a long term energy storage.
Typically, your body starts using fats as a source of energy as soon as your storage of glucose is depleted.
Your body stocks fat in the form of triglycerides.
Fats Best sources
Please note that a food can contain many types of fats. Fat sources are displayed in the table below
Macronutrients Ratio
Macronutrient ratio depends on the goals you want to accomplish.
Macronutrient ratio for weight loss
To lose weight, you need to burn the fat stored in your body. To do so, you need to create a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit occurs when the calories used up by your body during the day exceed your daily calorie intake.
For Example, an average person how need 2000 calorie for your body function properly. if the calorie this person is getting from food is less than 2500, let's say 1800 calories, the body will start using stored fat to fill the gap of the 700 calorie lacking (700=2500-1800).
To estimate how much calories you need, you need to calculate your BMR, which stands for Basal Metabolic Rate.
Weight loss with Low-fat diets
In low fats diet, you will be getting most of your calories from carbs. Macros ratio in a low-fat diet is:
10% Fats - 30% Protein - 60% Carbohydrates

Weight loss High-fat diets Keto diet | Atkins Diets
In High fats diet, you will be getting most of your calories from fats.
Macros ratio in a High-fat diet is :70% Fats - 25% Proteins - 5% Carbohydrates.

Macronutrient ratio for Muscles building
To build up muscles, your body needs a surplus of calories to create new muscle tissues. a big chunk of your daily calories should come from proteins and healthy carbs.
However, keep in mind that you need to work out and lift weights if you want it to work. Unless you want to gain more fat. Macro ratio for muscles building is :
10% Fats preferably healthy fats - 45% Proteins - 45% Carbohydrates.

National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Database. Valine, CID=6287, (accessed on June 10, 2020)
National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Database. Leucine, CID=6106, (accessed on June 10, 2020)
National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Database. l-Isoleucine, CID=6306, (accessed on June 10, 2020)
Siri-Tarino PW, Sun Q, Hu FB, Krauss RM. Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;91(3):535‐546. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27725